Minimally Invasive Surgery is becoming more & more common in hospitals. These procedures are
performed through teny incisions instead of one large opening. Because the incision are small,
patients tend to have quicker recovery times and less discomfort.
1. Laparoscopic Surgeries - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Single Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (SILS)
Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Laparoscopic repair of hernia
Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis of Bowel.
2. Thyroid & its Disorders
3. Abdomen – (i) All Abdominal Trauma – Splenectomy
(ii) GI malignancies - Ca. Colon, Ca. Oesophagus, Ca. Rectum, Ca. Stomach,
Ca. Pancreas.
(iii) Intestinal obstruction
4. Varicose Veins Treatment
5. Management of Diabetic Foot.
6. All types of Hernia repair- Open & Laparoscopic
7. ANO-Rectal disorders - Haemorrhoid- Open Haemorrhoidectomy
Stapler Haemorrhoidectomy
Perianal Abscess
8. Perineoplasty
9. Breast and its Management – Lumpectomy
MRM for Carcinoma Breast
10. Peritoneal Biopsy
11. Colorectal Surgeries
12. Management fo Gunshot & Bullet Injuries
13. Thoracoscopy
14. Management of Chest Trauma
15. Upper & Lower GI Endoscopies